Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yoga for IC!

Hi everyone!

So, for those of you who don't know, a year ago I was diagnosed with a chronic pain disease called Interstitial Cystitis (also known as IC).  I won't go into much detail about what it is but, if you are interested in knowing more about it you can go to !  I am mentioning this because, since my diagnosis I have had to make many changes in my lifestyle.  Anything and everything I do can effect my IC and cause a flare-up including the soaps and detergents I use, the foods I eat, and everyday activities that I do.  It has been very emotional for me and it is not something I mention or talk about often. However, today I am excited (that may be a BIT of an exaggeration) to talk about it because I have found that bringing yoga practice into your life can be INCREDIBLY beneficial for IC patients.   Since I blogged last, I have gotten a yoga/Pilate's DVD that is geared towards people with IC and I have done it twice so far.  I am especially excited about it because I really enjoyed the DVD.  It has a lot of options to choose from (ie. what areas you want to target, how long you wish to practice for, etc.) and I was left feeling refreshed and accomplished.  It was a really good workout!

I had a 3 week long IC flare that left me feeling emotionally discouraged and physically debilitated that ended close to the time I started this yoga challenge. I am not sure if there is an association between my flare simmering and my yoga practice starting but I can say that it is such a comfort and a relief to know that I can now be active during a flare by practicing yoga.  I am anxious to see how continuing with yoga will help with my IC. 

On Monday I finally attended a class at a yoga studio here in Greensboro called Triad Yoga.  I have taken classed there before and I really love and appreciate the atmosphere!  I got a package of classes and look forward to attending more classes and working with the instructors! 

Between classes and DVDs I am doing really well with this challenge...only one more week to go!  What shall the next challenge be...